A Simple Guide To CBD Terminology
If you’ve ever been curious about CBD but were beyond overwhelmed with all the scientific terminology or big words, we’re going to break it down for you in this simple guide to CBD terminology. We totally understand that while you want the best for your body, you might not understand the lengthy lingo that comes along with keeping it in tip-top shape. When trying to improve your overall health, you may find that the CBD world is ever-expanding and the vocabulary is enough to make anyones head spin. It’s totally normal to feel like you’re on overdrive when researching the various types of CBD products, especially if you’re a newbie! Whether you chose Revital Outdoors products or another brand, we hope that this guide is extremely informational for you to make the best decision regarding your wellbeing.
If you’re interested in taking the first step of seeing how CBD might support your wellbeing, it’s very important to understand all the technical jaron surrounding CBD. Below you’ll find an alphabetized glossary that you can refer back to at any time in your CBD journey to understand the terminology.
Anandamide: Also known as N-arachidonoyletheanolamine, is essentially a fatty acid neurotransmitter. It participates in the body’s endocannabinoid system by binding to cannabinoid receptors, the same receptors that the psychoactive compound THC in cannabis acts on. This plays a role in the regulation of pain, pleasure, motivation, memory, mood, appetite, and fertility.
Bioavailability: The amount of a substance that enters circulation when introduced into the body to produce an active effect.
Broad Spectrum: One of the forms of CBD oil extracted from the hemp plant and contains the plant’s natural compounds. Including terpenes, flavonoids, and other cannabinoids with the exception of detectable THC.
Cannabidiol: The scientific name for CBD.
Cannabinoid: Is one of over 500 chemical compounds found in the cannabis plant. Over 114 cannabinoids have been identified in cannabis. The most common ones in cannabis are CBD and THC.
Cannabinoid Receptors: G-protein coupled receptors that are an important part of the endocannabinoid system. There are two cannabinoid receptors, simply known as CB1 and CB2 receptors. They are found throughout the body and brain.
CB1 Receptor: First discovered in the 1980s, they can also be thought of as THC receptors, as they are the receptor target for THC. CB1 is a major player in the euphoric effects of cannabis. The majority of CB1 receptors are concentrated in the central nervous system throughout the brain and spinal cord. Some are also found in smaller amounts in the kidneys, liver, and lungs. In the brain, the primary role of CB1 receptors is to regulate the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine, serotonin, and glutamate.
CB2 Receptor: First discovered in 1993, they’re the peripheral receptors for cannabinoids. They are mainly found in the immune system and tissues. Additionally, can be found in white blood cells and spleen. Primarily, they maintain the immune function of homeostasis and regulate inflammation.
Cannabis: Also known as marijuana, is the psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant that is primarily used for medical and recreational purposes.
Capsules: Oral medication that contains CBD designed to be taken by mouth like regular supplements. Revital Outdoors contain a perfectly measured serving size of CBD.
CBD Isolate: A form of CBD, achieved by processing hemp and removing all cannabinoids, terpenes, flavonoids, and plant material. Almost 99.9% pure CBD, making it the purest form of CBD there is.
Certificate of Analysis (COA): This is a report that is prepared by a third-party laboratory. COAs offer consumers important information on the cannabinoid content, terpene profile, and potential contaminants in the CBD products. The purpose of COAs is to verify that the CBD products contain the amount of CBD that is advertised on the label and contain less than the legal amount of 0.3% THC.
Decarboxylation: This is the process by which cannabis is heated to active the cannabinoids in the plant material. This allows for the active cannabinoids to bind to cannabinoid receptors in the body and brain to create the desired effect of the product.
Endocannabinoids: The two-natural occurring compounds that are produced in the body that are known as anandamide (AEA) and 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2AG). They are similar in their structure to cannabinoids that are found in cannabis and they’re responsible for serveral different functions in the body and brain.
Endocannabinoid System: This system is found in humans and other animals. Responsible for maintaining homeostasis throughout the body. Consisting of three facets, including endocannabinoids, cannabinoid receptors, and enzymes. They break down endocannabinoids. CBD interacts with the endocannabinoid system through the influence on the CB1 and CB2 cannabinoid receptors.
Entourage Effect: The full effects of CBD when the cannabinoid works with other cannabis compounds. This includes other cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids.
Farm Bill 2018: This bill legalized growing hemp under federal law. In order for it to be legal, it must contain less than 0.3% THC.
Flavonoids: Bioactive compounds that are found in one of the three main compounds in cannabis. Moreover, it’s known to be contributing to the entourage effect. There are 20 flavonoids that have been discovered in cannabis. They’re also responsible for plant pigmentation, disease prevention, UV light filtration and the attraction of pollinating insects. Research shows that flavonoids contain antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-allergic potential.
Full Spectrum: Containing many beneficial compounds found in hemp. This includes cannabinoids, flavonoids, and terpenes. These are contributing to the entourage effect. Including trace amounts of less than 0.3% THC. However, these THC levels are not enough to cause any intoxicating effects.
Gummies: A type of edible CBD product. Similar to other gummy multi-vitamins and candies but instead, infused with CBD. They’re one of the most popular types of CBD edibles that is available on the market.
Hemp: Cultivated worldwide for thousands of years. Used for fiber, food, textiles, and more. It’s a very versatile plant whose fibers. Additionally, they create items like paper, fabric, clothing, rope, building material, etc. There are various varieties of hemp, containing naturally high concentrations of CBD and lower THC. Furthermore, hemp contains a variety of cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids, and legal hemp-derived products. Including, CBD oil that must contain less than 0.3% THC to be legal under federal law.
Hemp Extract: Another way to reference CBD oil. Used interchangeably with CBD oil.
Hempseed Oil: The oil pressed from seeds of hemp plants.
Medium Chain Triglyceride or MCT Oil: Made up of one or more MCTs, which are a type of saturated fatty acids that contain 6-10 carbons. As the name indicates, MCT oil contains medium-length chains of saturated fatty acids known as triglycerides. Moreover, CBD tinctures as a carrier oil that increases CBD’s bioavailability. Also, allows more of the cannabinoid to reach the bloodstream.
Nanoemulsion: A type of technology that breaks CBD particles down to very small particles known as nanometers that allows the cannabinoid to become water-soluble, ultimately increasing bioavailability and absorption into the bloodstream.
Non-Psychoactive: You’ll often hear CBD referred to as non-psychoactive; meaning it does not contain the intoxicating effects associated with THC. Due to the fact that, CBD provides calming effects, it impacts the brain and is accurately described as psychoactive but not intoxicating.
Phytonutrients: Substances found in plants that are to benefit human health. Additionally, used by plants to stay healthy and contribute to healthy cell communication in humans. It’s important to note that, cannabinoids, terpenes, and flavonoids examples of phytonutrients found in cannabis.
Potency: The strength of the CBD oil. The higher it is, the more CBD it contains. For example, two identical-sized bottles of CBD oil, one containing 1,000mg CBD and the other containing 3,000mg CBD, the 3,000mg bottle of CBD is more potent.
Serving Size: This is how much CBD is inside one serving of a CBD product. Also, these will vary between products and the consumers needs. But, there are no standard serving sizes for CBD established by the FDA. However, there are several factors that will determine your personal CBD serving size. Generally, the average daily serving size for regular consumers of CBD is between 40-100mg. Most individuals use CBD once or twice per day.
Softgel: This is another term for capsules. Due to this, They’re a popular choice for consumers because they’re easy to take and have a perfectly measured serving size of CBD in each capsule.
Terpenes: One of the compounds in cannabis suggested to contribute to the entourage effect. Moreover, the aromatic compounds found in cannabis that gives different strains their uniquely distinctive smell and flavor profiles. Terpenes in cannabis and other plant species beneficial for wellbeing, and increasing cannabis research in recent years suggests that terpenes could be responsible for lending to the suggested health benefits of cannabis.
Third-Party Testing: Lab tests conducted by an independent lab that offers an analysis of CBD products. Utilized by companies to provide a transparent look at their products, offering COAs that contain information on the products cannabinoid content, quality, and purity. Therefore, Third-party testing is crucial in determining the overall quality and safety of CBD oil products.
Tincture: CBD oil combined with a carrier oil and taken orally. Additionally, they are one of the most popular CBD products due to its versatility and adaptability.
Topical: A CBD product designed for topical use on the skin.
As you’re learning about CBD, please feel free to reach out to the Revital Outdoors team for questions!